Passionate speakers will share background information about our projects and their settings - and touching stories of the people involved.

Are you looking for a speaker?
Are you looking for a speaker for a women's group, a breakfast meeting, a parent and toddler group or a service in your parish? Are you preparing a bazaar or a charity event where you would like to bring a project or a theme to life through an inspiring presentation?

We will share touching stories of girls and women living in other countries and cultures. Stories of women who were on the margins of society and have found a new life in dignity and hope despite enormous obstacles.

We give you background information about our projects and their settings and insights into the fight against child marriage and teenage pregnancies, the training and work of midwives in rural settings, holistic medical care for women with obstetric fistula, …

We're happy to fit our presentation to the interest and needs of your audience.

Do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Regula Abt

Susanne Rudolf

Marketing & Public Fundraising
Phone.: +41 (0)31 991 55 56